Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, received on Wednesday at "Bayt El Wasat" the representative of the Hamas

Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, received on Wednesday at "Bayt El Wasat" the representative of the Hamas movement in Lebanon Ali Baraka and political relations officer, Ziad Hassan, with talks touching on the situation in the region and Lebanese-Palestinian relations.

After the meeting, Barka said "We are honored today to have met with Prime Minister Hariri, to whom we conveyed the greetings of the Hamas leadership, especially the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh. We congratulated the PM on his safe return, and his decision to withdraw his resignation, and we assured him of the support of Hamas for Lebanon's unity, security and stability."

"A stable Lebanon is strength for Palestine and the Palestinian cause. We have delivered to the Prime Minister a written message from President Haniyeh on the US decision to be announced this evening on Al-Quds. We have accordingly urged the Lebanese Prime Minister for a position and action by the Lebanese government in support of the cause of Al-Quds and Palestinian in international forums, and in condemnation of the US decision to consider the united Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist entity."

"We deem the American decision an aggression, not only on the Palestinian people but on the entire Arab nation. It is an aggression against the sanctities of Muslims and Christians," he said.

On a different note, Prime Minister Hariri received the British ambassador to Lebanon, Hugo Shorter, and briefed him on the latest developments in Lebanon and the region. Discussions also touched on means to boost bilateral relations

Source: NNA