Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry received on Wednesday Brett McGurk, the US special presidential envoy for the global coalition to combat Daesh. 

In a press statement, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said that both sides exchanged perspectives to assess counter-Daesh efforts in Iraq and Syria in addition to progress achieved on the ground including means to handle the phase after defeating the terrorist group.

Shoukry lauded sacrifices made by the Iraqi army and the victory it achieved backed by US-led coalition to liberate territories from Daesh terrorist group.

He underlined that the international community should provide needed support for Iraq to help it to accomplish its mission during this crucial phase to restore stability in liberated areas and to achieve reconciliation.

Talks between both sides also tackled international efforts to counter terrorism and Daesh terrorist group in Syria to maintain ceasefire and de-escalation zones in addition to the future track of a political process supervised by the UN, Abu Zeid added.

The US envoy expressed appreciation for Egypt's role to find settlement for the Syrian crisis as well as its efforts to support de-escalation zones agreements. 

Shoukry warned against achieving incomplete victory against terrorist groups in the region, stressing that cooperation between countries of the coalition is needed to stop financing of such group under the cover of charity and da’wa activities.

He reviewed Egypt’s efforts within the framework of the international coalition against Daesh and various working groups belong to it.

He also underlined efforts carried out by Egypt to fight extremist ideology and to expose the misleading religious discourse of terrorist groups. 

Both sides discussed means to boost coordination between Egypt and the US to confront terrorism especially regarding positions in international forums and the UN within the frame work of Egypt’s chairmanship to the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), Abu Zeid further said.

Source: MENA