Member of the PLO Executive Committee Saeb Erekat

Member of the PLO Executive Committee Saeb Erekat met today an European Parliament delegation headed by Irish Deputy Martina Anderson of Ireland with deputies Margaret Auken of Denmark, Edward Martin of France, and Nicholas Slakitos of Cyprus as members.
During the meeting, Erekat stressed that the results of the Israeli elections demonstrated the correctness of the Palestinian strategy of accession to international conventions, treaties and institutions, including accession to the International Criminal Court, as well as relations with Israel, as defined in the decisions of the Central Council in its session held earlier this month.
Erekat said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement that he will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian State and intensify and continue settlements building especially in occupied Jerusalem, reflect the real position of the coming Israeli government.
He called on the international community, specifically the EU countries which did not recognize the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and the United States to recognize the State of Palestine immediately so as to maintain the two-state option, in addition to supporting the Palestinian endeavour to accede to international conventions, norms and institutions, particularly the International Criminal Court.