Deputy Premier receives PLO executive committee secretary

Deputy Premier His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa on Tuesday received Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)'s Executive Committee Secretary Dr. Saeb Erekat in the presence of Foreign Affairs Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa.

HH Shaikh Mohammed reiterated the Kingdom's solidarity with the Palestinian brethren to have their full sovereign state with its capital in Al Quds Al Sharif, and supporting all efforts aimed to reach a fair and comprehensive peaceful settlement of the Palestinian issue as per international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab peace initiative, wishing the Palestinian people success in achieving national unity to boost their capability and restore security and stability.

Dr. Erekat informed the Deputy Premier about latest developments of the Palestinian issue and the peace process, hailing His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa' firm supportive stances vis-a-vis the Palestinian issue and supporting the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights and aspirations.

Ambassador of Palestine State to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Taha Abdelqader, also attended the meeting.