Chief Justice, Maulana, Haider Ahmed Dafalla and Dr. Ali Bin Fetaise.

Chief Justice, Maulana, Haider Ahmed Dafalla met, Thursday, at his office, the visiting Qatari Attorney General, Dr. Ali Bin Fetaise in the Presence of the Attorney General, Omer Ahmed Mohammed and other concerned Judiciary officials .
Maulana, Dafalla, during the meeting, has affirmed the full independency of the Judiciary since the independence, referring to the coordination and coordination between the judiciary bodies to do justice and serve the citizens.
He briefed the Qatari official on the organizational structure of the Judiciary and the rules regulating the work to realize independency and justice, pointing out that the visit will support cooperation relations in regional and international forums .
The Qatari official, on his part, indicated to the firmness of the historical relations between Sudan and Qatar in all fields .


Source: SUNA