Rome - ANSA
The halls and rooms of the Vatican Museums which could be previously accessed only by celebrities and high-ranking international government officials will soon be open. For the first time, by simply booking a tour, it will be possible to access Capella Nicolina, the private chapel of Pope Nicolo\' V apartments, with frescoes made by Beato Angelico in 1447 and adorned with the first gold that Christopher Columbus brought from the New World; the wonderful steps by Bramante required by Giulio II in 1512, with a spiral staircase built inside a square tower, which could be ascended both by foot and by horse. The organiser of the tour allowing the visitor to access the private halls and rooms is the Irish company Dark Rome, a Vatican Tour Operator. The company will also give the visitors the opportunity to admire rare artwork collections and to enter the Sistine Chapel and experience its beauty on their own, without too many people around and exploring and admiring frescoes as the Pope does during private visits. \'\'We are proud to be the first tour operator to offer such a unique tour, including direct and exclusive access from dedicated entrances, without having to embark on extenuating queues for access to one of the world\'s greatest museums\'\', the executive director of Dark Rome Dan Paulsberg stated.(ANSAmed).