Archaeologists say the tomb of an Egyptian princess, discovered south of Cairo, has them puzzled because of its location among tombs of non-royal officials. The tomb dates to 2500 B.C and was built in the second half of the Fifth Dynasty. Archaeologists say it\'s unusual for a princess to be buried in Abusir South alongside tombs of non-royal officials, rather than several miles to the north where most members of the Fifth Dynasty\'s royal family were buried in the central part of Abusir. Several fragments of a door bearing the titles and the name of Sheretnebty, the king\'s daughter, have been found but researchers say they aren\'t yet sure the remains of the princess are actually inside the tomb. The investigation is ongoing, dig director Miroslav Barta of the Czech Institute of Egyptology told LiveScience. Researchers say they believe the ancient builders used a naturally existing step in the area\'s bedrock to create the tomb. On limestone pillars that once supported stone blocks forming the roof of the tomb are carved hieroglyphic inscriptions reading: \"King\'s daughter of his body, his beloved, revered in front of the Great God, Sheretnebty.\"