Egyptian Minister of Culture, Saber Arab, flew to Saudi Arabia on Monday to join the nation in three days of celebration after Madinah Al Munawarrah (The Lit City) was chosen as the Capital of Arab and Islamic Culture for 2013. Starting Tuesday, for three days the entire city will witness a number of artistic and cultural activitities, including exhibitions, seminars and conferences; a few of the art displays will last for a year honouring the historical city. Among the exhibtions that will begin tomorrow is Mohamed Rasoul Allah (Mohamed The Messenger of God) telling the story of Mohamed and his journey; the exhibition will be located next to Al-Masgid Al-Nabawi (The Prophet's Mosque); another exhibition explaining the history and heritage of Al-Madinah will be held next to Al-Qibaa Mosque. Aside from the art shows, the celebrations will include screening of documentary films honouring the city and emphasising its Islamic culture, especially commissioned for this occasion. Furthermore, Al-Medina will celebrate the inauaguration of its history and heritage museum, under the auspices of H.H. Heir to the throne and Minister of Defence Prince Salman Abdel Aziz. Source: Ahram Online