Eleven coins and two guns of pistols dating back to Emir Abdelkader’s State period have been discovered during archaeological excavations at the fort of Taza in Tissemsilt, the research team announced Thursday. The discovery includes ten pieces of copper and another of silver, used at the time of the modern Algerian state founded by the Emir Abdelkader, and two guns of pistols, one single and one double, found in an advanced state of deterioration. All coins discovered recently are kept in the laboratory of archaeological research at the University of Algiers (2) in Bouzareah. Both guns are guns being restored, said Azeddine Bouyahiaoui professor at the university and chief of excavation team. He described these objects, in particular, the silver coin whose use dates back to 1839, according to the research laboratory, as the \"most important\" discoveries since 2001, the launch date of excavations at the site of Taza. Archaeological research on this historic site, founded in June 1838 by the Khalif Allal, is still continuing, Bouyahiaoui told APS recalling that the site was a large heritage area which witnessed the passage of several civilizations. Emir Abdelkader had made this site a bastion of popular resistance, the researcher said.