BBK continues its CPISP support.

The Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait (BBK) has donated a cheque for BD 200,000 towards the HRH the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Programme (CPISP).
The donation forms part of bank’s overall BD 1 million contribution as a Platinum Sponsor to the programme.

The announcement was made during a ceremony at the BBK headquarters in Manama, where Shaikh Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa, Advisor for Political and Economic Affairs at the Court of HRH the Crown Prince, and Board Member and Head of the Financial and Administrative Committee of CPISP, was welcomed by BBK’s CEO, Riyadh Sater, who presented the cheque to Shaikh Mohammed.

Shaikh Mohammed thanked BBK for its continued support and generous contributions to CPISP. He noted that the support received by sponsors has greatly contributed to CPISP’s achievements and objectives, which are aimed at developing the talents and abilities of outstanding Bahraini students and providing them with the best educational opportunities at top international universities.

BBK chief executive praised the efforts of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, to develop educational and training programmes aimed at youth and human resource development. He also affirmed BBK’s eagerness to support educational and development initiatives.

Source: BNA