Attijariwafa Bank

The International African Development Forum has begun pre-registration for its 5th edition to be held in Casablanca later this year, according to an announcement by the one of the event key organizers, Attijariwafa Bank.

The Hyatt Regency will be hosting the global event regarding new models of inclusive growth in Africa on the 16th and 17th of March. The pre-registration period will close at the end of January.

The platform provides visibility to large-scale investment projects and national development strategies while acting as a reference for public and private agents looking to contribute to Africa's future.

South-South cooperation is vital, so we must create larger, cross-frontier trading spaces,said Mohamed El Kettani, the CEO of Attijariwafa Bank, leading up to the third edition of the forum two years ago. We have to make the most of the mutualization and the complementarity of our resources and our economies. But we cant do without the North, because today in Morocco we are meeting international investors, from Europe, the US, and Asia, who are making Morocco a platform where part of the value is created in Morocco, another part in the North, and a third part in the countries south of Morocco.

King Mohammed VI has made South-South collaboration on development a keystone of Morocco's foreign policies in recent years, especially as the kingdom prepares for reentry into the African Union (AU). The monarch took some of Morocco's biggest businessmen with him while he toured countries in East Africa that have maintained stances hostile to Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara.

Source :Morocco World News