US home appliance maker Whirlpool filed legal action Friday against South Korean rivals LG and Samsung, saying they dumping underpriced clothes washers into the US market in violation of trade laws. Whirlpool said in a statement it had asked the US government to investigate the two companies\' production of home clothes washers in South Korea and Mexico, \"which are being sold in the United States at substantially less than fair value.\" \"This action undermines competition, causes material injury to the appliance manufacturing industry, threatens American jobs and ultimately harms consumers who are left with fewer product choices,\" said the firm, a leading home appliance manufacturer. The anti-dumping petitions were filed with the US Department of Commerce and the US International Trade Commission. Whirlpool said it had also filed a companion petition for anti-subsidy duties against the same products from South Korea. In October, Whirlpool won duties from the US Department of Commerce on refrigerators it alleged were being dumped by LG and Samsung, and also by Mexican firm Mabe and Swedish competitor Electrolux. The Benton Harbor, Michigan-based company employs 3,500 at its clothes washer manufacturing plant in Clyde, Ohio.