French and German military simulators for Tiger Helicopters are being upgraded

Thales and its partner Rheinmetall Defense Electronics is supplying and upgrading Tiger combat helicopter simulators for France and Germany.
The contract – its value was not disclosed – was awarded by the Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation, or OCCAR, a European intergovernmental organization.
Under the award, Thales and Rheinmetall will upgrade 18 simulators to the latest Tiger helicopter standards. In addition, eight full mission simulators and 10 cockpit procedure trainers at three training centers, two of them in France, will be modernized to bring them into line with the latest variant of the attack helicopter.
It will also perform support services for the simulators for a 10-year period, Thales said.
The upgades to be delivered include new functions for simulation of weapon systems, communications, datalinks, sensors and flight modeling.
Thales will also supply two new Tiger CPT simulators to train aircrews for France's 1st combat helicopter regiment in Phalsbourg.