UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science

The UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science officially launched its third cycle in January by inviting researchers, scientists and technologists worldwide to submit innovative proposals in the field of rain enhancement.

The programme offers a grant of $5 million distributed over a three-year period, to be shared by five winning research proposals which will be selected in a two-stage review process based on international best practice.

Launched by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs of the UAE in early 2015, and overseen by the UAE National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS), the UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science, this initiative of global scope is designed to stimulate rain enhancement research.

Public and private, non-profit or for-profit organisations, as well as individuals from any country, are invited to propose new technologies, and evaluative and modelling techniques to boost the efficiency of increasing rain.

Dr. Abdullah Al Mandoos, Director of NCMS, said, "With our ambitious programme having already generated significant international interest, the NCMS is leading international efforts in rain enhancement science and fulfilling the potential of the UAE as a sustainable and knowledge-based economy. The UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science demonstrates our leadership’s vision to solve the world’s most pressing challenges through transformative and bold thinking."

Alya Al Mazrouei, Manager of the UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement, added, "The UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science is already having a significant impact, in terms of accelerating research in the field, and facilitating new and highly productive international scientific networks. The launch of our third cycle is both a call for renewed efforts, and indicates our determination to continue building the programme as a focal point for productive scientific and technological exchanges between the world’s leading experts in water security solutions and innovations."

Potential applicants have to submit Letters of Intent by midnight of February 16. The submission deadline for pre-proposals is March 16. Once evaluated, the entries will be shortlisted by an international review committee.

The selected candidates will be asked to submit their full proposals by August 16. The awardees of the third cycle will be announced in January 2018. The two-stage selection process will evaluate the technical aspects of the proposed projects and their potential to contribute to advancing the effectiveness and efficiency of rainfall enhancement.