Aims to spread awareness by educating both users and providers of internet services about e-commerce.A new platform was launched yesterday at Gitex to help boost the confidence of UAE residents who are still reticent to share their personal and financial information online.The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) told reporters that in the new year, it will launch TRUSTae, a program that will introduce an online trust mark or seal of approval for websites verified as safe and secure.Mohammad Nasser Al Ganem, director-general of the TRA, said, \"TRUSTae will empower our e-commerce industry by boosting consumer as well as internet business confidence. This initiative will encourage both parties to consider the UAE\'s e-commerce sector as a viable and lucrative platform to conduct business.We seek through this campaign to spread awareness in our society by education about e-commerce for both users and providers of internet services. Our vision in this regard is reflected by the fact that we are a recognised symbol locally and regionally in the ICT field. While regionally, the UAE holds a leading position in e-commerce due to its well-established infrastructure, it is our goal to strengthen this sector.We aim to make it renowned for security and the peace of mind businesses and consumers can experience while engaging in business through this platform.\"Al Ganem noted that the TRUSTae initiative follows a \"black box approach\" which resembles a remote, lightweight security assessment mechanism of web application. This security assessment mechanism is built using a balanced approach which takes into consideration many important factors such as minimal customer interaction and the availability of the website.Notably, TRUSTae is an initiative designed in line with the UAE government strategy plan and Federal Law No (1) of 2006 on Electronic Commerce and Transactions. It is a nationwide trust mark initiative by the TRA to boost confidence in the electronic commerce environment in the UAE.Majid S. Al Mesmar, deputy director general of the TRA, said the new seals of trust will pop up on websites that have been reviewed under the TRUSTae program and found to be registered working companies in the UAE.\"Consumers can experience peace of mind when engaging in this platform,\" Al Mesmar said, noting people will be able to trust the TRUSTae \"as a viable platform to conduct business\".