London - Arabstoday
Over the next few weeks as you browse TechRadar you\'ll often see a green bar at the top of the page inviting you to try the new Beta version of the site. That\'s because we\'re busy redesigning the UK\'s most popular technology news and reviews site to make it easier to use and faster to load. Click the bar and you\'ll be able to view the page you\'re on in its new Beta version. If you choose to use the Beta site, please bear in mind that we\'re still ironing out bugs, so some things might not work quite as expected while we\'re in this testing phase. We\'d love to hear what you think once you\'ve had a look. Please leave any comments – positive or negative – below. One issue you\'ll notice immediately is that images have a vertical grey bar on each side. This is because we are changing our image format and so images from the existing TechRadar site are the wrong aspect ratio. Once the new site is rolled out we\'ll be cropping our images in the new aspect ratio and the grey bars will disappear. Additionally, the commenting system isn\'t currently hooked up to the beta, but commenting will soon be enabled. We\'ll be keeping this article updated as the Beta progresses.