Taiwan launched its first 2 domestically built navy vessels

Taiwan launched its first two domestically built navy vessels on Tuesday.
The missile corvette and supply ship showed "the government's determination to enhance our sea power" and improve shipbuilding capacity, President Ma Ying-jeou was quoted as saying by state-run Central News Agency.
Thye 500-ton twin-hulled corvette Tuo Jiang cost 2.1 billion Taiwan dollars (66.39 million dollars) to build, the report said.
It is equipped with the locally developed Hsiung Feng II and Hsiung Feng III anti-ship missiles, a 76-mm gun and Mark 46 torpedoes, the navy said.
It has a range of 2,000 nautical miles and can carry a crew of up to 41. Training on the corvette has already begun, according to CNA.
The supply ship Pan Shi cost 4 billion Taiwan dollars (130 million US dollars) to build. It can take a crew of up to 165 and has a range of 8,000 nautical miles.
The supply ship can reach 22 knots and has a displacement of about 20,000 tons. The navy said it will extend combat capabilities.