First Solar Impulse 2 test flight

Bertrand Piccard has dedicated his first Solar Impulse 2 test flight to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
Mr Piccard, Solar Impulse co-founder and pilot, said that the Crown Prince had supported the project since its beginnings, adding, "I dedicate my first flight here in Abu Dhabi with Solar Impulse to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan al Nahyan, who has supported our project since the first time I met him 10 years ago." With only a week left until the start of the round-the-world trip, Piccard's flight yesterday was the final test flight ahead of Solar Impulse's attempt to circumnavigate the world without a drop of fuel.
In the coming months, Piccard and Andre Borschberg, fellow pilot and co-founder, will take turns in the single-seater cockpit.
They share the collective vision of Solar Impulse and Masdar for a more sustainable future driven by innovation.
Solar Impulse has been hosted by Masdar and Abu Dhabi since January as the team makes its final preparations and conducts test flights ahead of its five-month round-the-world solar-powered flight attempt.
"We extend our deepest and esteemed gratitude and respects to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed, and to Masdar for their support in realising this historic flight," Piccard told the Abu Dhabi-based daily, The National.
Throughout its stay in the capital, Solar Impulse inspired thousands of young people, university students and industry professionals across the UAE, through community engagement, said Masdar.