The Small Diameter Bomb II has passed live-fire testing

Raytheon's Small Diameter Bomb II has completed all live-fire tests for Milestone C certification and low-rate initial production.
The tests were conducted by Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force at White Sands Missile Test Range in New Mexico.
Raytheon said live warheads replaced telemetry payloads during the tests, which confirmed the bomb's ability to detect, track and destroy moving targets.
"These tests showcased the weapon's new multi-effects warhead that provides SDB II with the capability to destroy targets while reducing collateral damage," said John O'Brien, Raytheon SDB II program director. "Working closely with our U.S. Air Force customer, Raytheon is delivering this game-changing solution that fills a critical capability gap for U.S. warfighters."
SDB II is an air-launched guided bomb that weighs about 200 pounds. It uses a tri-mode seeker -- millimeter-wave radar, uncooled imaging infrared and semi-active laser to seek out its targets from standoff range in all weather conditions.
With its small explosive payload, it keeps collateral damage to a minimum and will be fielded by Air Force and Navy aircraft.