Information technology

Abdel Fattah El Sisi on Sunday launched two initiatives to bolster the information technology industry in Egypt; the first is the design and manufacture of electronics and the second is the electronic education initiativel.

This came during Sisi's inauguration of Cairo ICT 2015 conference and forum which opened here earlier in the day.

In statements after inaugurating the 19th session of Cairo ICT, Sisi termed the first initiative as an industry of Egypt's future because it is based on encouraging the information technology industry through the activities of the electronics companies which operate a large number of workers and would contribute to increase economic revenues to hit dlrs 3 billion over the coming three years.

Sisi also pointed out that the second initiative called "electronic education" is based on qualifying young Egyptian cadres in the field of information technology with the aim of having 3,000 trainees annually through direct training programs and up to 11,000 trainees from the public education.