China\'s unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 departed from the prototype space lab Tiangong-1 at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, preparing for return to earth, a spokesperson for China\'s manned space program said. This came after China had successfully completed its first two space docking tests that joined the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft, launched on Nov. 1, and the target orbiter Tiangong-1, on Nov. 3 and Nov. 14, respectively. Tiangong-1, a module of a planned space lab, has been in orbit since its launch on Sept. 29. The Beijing Aerospace Control Center, which is in command of the mission, will signal Shenzhou-8 back to earth Thursday after conducting a series of examinations, tests and preparation, the spokesperson said. The re-entry capsule of Shenzhou-8 is set to land on ground at around 7 p.m. Thursday, the spokesperson said.