Russia to orbit 11 civil satellites by 2025

 Russia plans to orbit 11 satellites for civil purposes by 2025, Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) Head Oleg Dukhovnitsky said at the Satellite Russia and CIS conference on Thursday. 
"Work will be carried out to prepare the launch and launch seven satellites into the geostationary orbit and four spacecraft into the highly elliptical orbit," Dukhovnitsky said. 
Also, ground infrastructure will be deployed, he added. 
"Documents are being prepared on five space vehicles for their launch in 2018 and 2019," he said. 
Also, Rossvyaz has drafted a concept of the federal targeted program for the development of the orbital satellite communications grouping for the period of 2017-2025, he said. 
"The program aims to solve the problems of state information systems based on the orbital grouping of civil satellite communications and broadcasting and raise the quality of communications on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the Arctic zone," Dukhovnitsky said.

Source: QNA