Police said they had arrested a 19-year-old man in a remote Scottish archipelago on Wednesday on suspicion of being a spokesman for the Lulz Security and Anonymous computer hacking groups. Officers from a London-based cybercrime unit detained the man in a \"pre-planned intelligence-led operation\" on the Shetland Islands, off the northeast coast of Scotland, London\'s Metropolitan Police said. \"The man arrested is believed to be linked to an ongoing international investigation into the criminal activity of the so-called \'hacktivist\' groups Anonymous and LulzSec, and uses the online nickname \'Topiary\' which is presented as the spokesperson for the groups,\" the statement said. He was being transported to a London police station and a search was under way at his house, the statement said. Lulz Security has claimed responsibility for a hacking rampage in the United States which saw the group target websites of the Central Intelligence Agency, the US Senate, Sony and others. Anonymous gained prominence after launching retaliatory attacks on companies perceived to be enemies of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.