Police in London have detained a man believed to be a former News of the World employee, bringing the number of arrests in the hacking scandal to 16. The man surrendered Friday at a police station in North London, the London Evening Standard reported. He was being questioned about the scandal and could be charged with intercepting messages and perverting the course of justice. A former News of the World reporter and a private detective have already done time for intercepting voicemails . The scandal exploded in July when The Guardian reported the paper\'s staffers had hacked into a cellphone used by Milly Dowler, a schoolgirl who disappeared in 2002, and deleted some of her messages, activity that led her parents to believe she was still alive. Rupert Murdoch closed the News of the World this summer. Two former executives are scheduled to testify before a parliamentary committee Tuesday, the Financial Times said. They are expected to contradict testimony given by James Murdoch, Rupert\'s son.