the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

The member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Sunday resolved to enhance their collective capabilities in the field of science and technology, besides launching joint research projects, particularly in the modern sciences.
Around 56 representatives from OIC states gathered here
Sunday in the first OIC Summit on Science and technology
hosted by Kazakhstan here which followed the adoption of
`Astana Declaration’ containing various commitments by the
member states to alleviate poverty from their countries,
enhance education budget and strive to achieve the goals set
forth in OIC 2025 Plan of Action and the UN Sustainable
Development Goals 2030.
The OIC members emphasized their commitment to make
science and technology their cherished goal in this century.
They thanked Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev for hosting
the first OIC Summit and congratulate the country on the
successful holding of the International “Astana EXPO 2017” a
specialized exhibition, aimed at showcasing innovative
technologies in the field of renewable energy and highlighting
the importance of introducing advance alternative energy-
saving technologies by developing countries.
The OIC also appreciated the stewardship of President
Mamnoon Hussain, also Chairman of COMSTECH in furthering the
goals of COMSTECH to the benefit of the member states by
strengthening scientific and technological cooperation among
the member states.
They reaffirmed their commitment to the principles and
objectives enshrined in the OIC Charter and agreed
to individually and collectively pursue cooperation among our
countries for sustainable development of our peoples, and to
confront the societal challenges of the 21st Century.
The leaders of the Islamic world resolved to eradicate
extreme poverty from their society including poverty of the
mind, and to bring forth the creative and innovative strengths
of all our peoples, being mindful of the disruptive nature of
modern science and its emerging relationship with society in
the 21st Century.
Committing to make knowledge and its application an
essential feature of the way we live and work and take
important decisions, they acknowledge the need to increase the
investment in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
They stressed the need to create a complete and well
integrated enabling ecosystem that inter-alia include
incentives for all stakeholders and urged the OIC member
states to work for the development, review and implementation
of STI policies, programs and action plans at sub-regional and
national levels.
The OIC states agree to take necessary measures for the
practical implementation of the recommendations of OIC S&T
Agenda 2026.In this regard they urged all member states to
prepare joint programs and proposals, through active
consultation with leading academics, scientists and
The leaders resolved to reach the goals of OIC S&T
Agenda 2026 through a focused series of initiatives and
programs in education, skills development, basic and applied
sciences, and big science. They also underscored the need of
further strengthening the culture of education and science,
especially for youth and women, in the Islamic world.
“We encourage member states to make universities and
other institutions of higher learning, particularly scientific
research institutions, as centers of excellence so that they
can play an effective role in developing within the society a
culture of inquiry, intellectual pursuit and merit,” the
declaration said.
The OIC members pledged to increase the allocation of
funding on development of education, science, health and water
to achieve the goals set forth in OIC 2025: Plan of Action and
the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030).
They called for promoting and supporting collaborative
research programs in the field of agriculture, food security,
conservation of eco-systems, including the fight against
drought, desertification, effective management of water
resources and others.
The OIC Summit called for reviewing the security of
digital content by examining and harmonizing existing laws,
policies and response related to cyber-security in the member
states, keeping in mind its profound implications for all
affairs of state and the emergence of meta-data.
They appreciated the launch of Science, Technology and
Innovation Fund by the IDB and requested the Chairman of
COMSTECH in cooperation with the OIC Secretary General to put
in place institutional mechanisms for effective overseeing of
the implementation of OIC S&T Agenda 2026.
The House welcomed the offer of the Government of
Uzbekistan to host the Second OIC Summit on Science and
Technology in Uzbekistan.

Source: APP