Navy F-35B during a weapons test

Northrop Grumman reports it has delivered its 1,000th distributed aperture system sensor for integration on F-35 Lightning II fighters.
The AN/AAQ-37 DAR sensor -- six in all aboard the F-35 -- provides full spherical situational awareness to the aircraft's pilot by autonomously detecting and tracking aircraft and missiles in every direction. The system's video images are then projected into the pilot's helmet-mounted display.
"With 1,000 sensors delivered, we have demonstrated the maturity and affordability of our DAS technology," said David Partridge, director, F-35 Radar and DAS programs, Northrop Grumman. "The system provides fifth-generation awareness and protection unparalleled in legacy aircraft and continues to show its versatility and applicability to a wide range of additional missions and platforms."
As a principal member of the Lockheed Martin-led F-35 industry team, Northrop Grumman's project work includes producing the F-35's AN/APG-81 radar and communications sub-systems avionics; the aircraft's center fuselage; and mission systems and mission-planning software.
Northrop Grumman also leads a team developing courseware for pilot and maintenance training systems.