A calcareous soil

Iranian researchers from Bu-Ali Sina University studied the function of nanoparticles in separation of pollutants, including phosphor from agricultural soils.
Taking into consideration the wide application of phosphorous fertilizers by farmers, there is a possibility the phosphor is washed with water in soil and results in the pollution of surface and underground water. This research studied the appropriate method for the elimination of phosphor and prevention of its release into some calcareous soils of Hamedan province.
The aim of the research was to determine the effects of aluminum and titanium oxide nanoparticles on the release of phosphor and to model this effect. According to the test results, the nanoparticles can be used in an effective manner to reduce phosphor release, and as a result, they lead to the reduction of environmental hazards in the soils. The results may help organizations for natural resources and environment prevent water pollution crisis so they can make necessary decisions.
Although nanoparticles cannot be used as sorbents of pollutants at large scale due to their high price, they still can be considered an appropriate approach for the elimination of pollutants from soil at small scale. The reason is the comparison between the capacity of phosphor sorption by nanoparticles and other sorbents, and much higher ability of nanoparticles in the sorption of pollutants in comparison with other sorbents, including clay minerals.
Results of the research showed that nanoparticles can adsorb phosphor from soil very well and they decrease the release of phosphor. In addition, the presence of nanoparticles in soil causes the conversion of phosphor solution forms into species with low biological availability.
Results of the research have been published in Journal of