MAKS’2015 aerospace

Moscow international aerospace show MAKS’2015 hosted 152,300 visitors on Saturday, a spokesperson for the directorate of the show told TASS on Saturday.

"In spite of unstable weather (sporadic short showers - TASS), some 152,300 visitors arrived at the airdrome of the Mikhail Gromov Flight Research Institute," he said.

A record of attendance in the days of general public admittance was set on the fifth day of the MAKS’2013 show when the venue was visited by 157,000 people - the biggest attendance reported ever since the start of MAKS shows in 1993.

All in all, slightly over 312,000 people have visited the show by the end of its fifth day. The organizers hope the overall attendance will reach 400,000 this year.

The number of visitors reported in 2013 was 340,000 and in 2011, about 440,000.