The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology on Monday said it will focus on projects to boost the country\'s ICT sector and employment of Jordanians in 2012. \"The main objective for next year is to help implement projects and programme that restore the momentum of the ICT sector in which the future of Jordan lies,\" Minister of Information and Communications Technology Bassem Roussan told reporters yesterday. Describing the ICT sector, which contributes about 14 per cent annually to the gross domestic product, as a “key asset” for the Kingdom\'s economy, he said the ministry will focus on partnerships with the private sector to enhance the IT industry and secure employment for Jordanians. The minister made the remarks at a meeting to announce the signing of an agreement with Estarta to train and employ around 50 IT graduates under the Graduate Internship Programme. Stressing the importance of the project in fostering the skills of local IT graduates and helping them find jobs locally and abroad, Roussan noted that the number of firms supporting the project is on the rise and has so far reached about 260 companies. \"The Jordanian market cannot absorb the large number of IT graduates from the country\'s universities, therefore, the project can help by employing some and providing others with skills that enable them to find jobs in the Gulf states, the region, North Africa, Libya and abroad,\" he said. According to the minister, about 5,000 Jordanians graduate annually with majors in ICT and ICT-related engineering specialties. Under the third phase of the project, which was launched recently, some 500 IT graduates will benefit from the opportunities provided by programme, Rousan said. Since its launch in 2009, the programme has benefited around 984 IT graduates from different universities, according to the minister. Fresh graduates in various IT-related majors, or those who have not been employed in the sector for up to two years, can compete for jobs in the private sector by submitting their CVs on the programme’s website ( Selected applicants receive 12 months training and are secured employment at a private sector firm with a JD300 monthly salary as well as social security and health insurance coverage. The government subsidises 50 per cent of each beneficiary’s salary, while the rest is paid by the company, according to Roussan.