The Minister of Communications and Information Technology

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology and representative the President of the Republic, Dr. Tahani Abdalla Attiya, will lead the Sudan delegation to the Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Science and Information Technology, scheduled in Astana,Kazakhstan, during September 10 - 11.

The summit aims to achieve a united and collective position at the specialized level within the OIC on promotion of the sciences, technology and innovation and to assert the desire of the Islamic World for encouraging the scientific and technological progress.

The convocation of Astana Summit complies with the OIC's first and second10-year strategic plans which are aimed for bolstering the innovation and scientific research.

The summit will also review ways of enhancing the renewed energy in the Islamic World countries and promoting the economic sectors through advanced technological industry.

The summit is expected to come out with Astana Declaration, the Concluding Document and the agenda of science, technology and innovation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
