Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced that the latest technological achievement of Major General Hassan Moqaddam, who was martyred in the November 12 explosion at an IRGC base near Tehran, is ready for a final testing.\"In the last meeting I had with martyr Moqaddam, he joyfully introduced the latest technology he had managed to complete, and said that all phases of the technology had been completed and that it was ready for a final testing,\" Jafari said on Saturday. Jafari praised martyr Moqaddam for as an astute and clever scientist who rendered huge service to Iran\'s missile program, and said his achievements in the field of chemistry are unrivaled in the country as even the most renowned Iranian chemists are not able to repeat his achievements. He further ruled out the possibility of sabotage behind the blast, and said it was just an accident. The November 12 blast in IRGC base killed 17 people including General Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam, who was described as one of the key figures in Iran\'s missile program. The IRGC has vowed to continue Moqaddam\'s \"path.\" Following the blast, a series of news reports in the western media tried to link Israel\'s intelligence agency, Mossad, to the blast, but Iranian officials have all dismissed such a possibility. In addition to Jafari, Chief of Staff of Iran\'s Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi had also rejected the western media reports on Israel or US involvement in November 12 blast. \"The recent incident and blast is not related to Israel or America,\" Firouzabadi told reporters some days after the blast. He stated the production of a very important product which had been the result of domestic research at the center was disrupted for 2 weeks, but underlined that the base and its personnel would soon resume their work with more strength.