King Mohammad VI

Kuwait is to take part in the 5th Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) due to kick off in Marrakech later today.
The GES is under auspices of King Mohammad VI, and will go with the theme (Harnessing the Power of Technology for Innovation and Entrepreneurship).
Among prominent delegations to the three-day summit is of the United States, which is led by Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker.
Kuwait's delegation to the summit is headed by director of the economic department at the ministry of foreign affairs Adel Al-Ayyar.
Women's Entrepreneurship Day Focus will kick start the summit's events later on the day.
The GES was announced by US President Barack Obama in his Cairo speech in 2009, with the aim of the United States expanding programs and building a broad coalition of governments, business people, civil society, investors, and academics to educate and support entrepreneurs around the world.
This year's GES brings together over 3,000 entrepreneurs, investors, academics, startup organizers, business people, and government officials from over 100 countries.
Washington D.C hosted the first edition of the summit in 2010, followed by Dubai, Istanbul and Kuala Lumpur.