General of IT Qusai al-Shatti

Kuwait's Central Agency for Information Technology (CAIT) is pondering the use of cloud computing for storing data at government bodies, linking them in one system, seeking to upgrade the e-government.
CAIT Deputy Director General of IT Qusai Al-Shatti made the remark while addressing the 2nd Middle East Cloud and Big Data Conference and Exhibition that kicked off here on Wednesday.
Al-Shatti added that CAIT established the Kuwait data network, linking together 56 government bodies, where electronic data and documents are shared at high speed.
The use of cloud computing in the future will play an effective role in promoting the system CAIT established, Al-Shatti said, noting that the new concept is regarded as a quantum shift in the infrastructure technology solutions that institutions rely on for huge operations.
He also said that most public and private institutions are seeking the use of cloud computing as the easiest and most effective method for data storage and recalling.
According to Al-Shati, CAIT is working hard on disseminating the use of cloud computing and the relevant practical applications.
Since it was established in 2006, CAIT has achieved several projects for data infrastructure, needed to develop e-government in cooperation with relevant official bodies, Al-Shatti told the conference.
The 2nd Middle East Cloud and Big Data Conference and Exhibition includes workshops over two days involving world IT specialists who brief participants from official bodies and big local companies, on the latest developments of cloud-computing.