Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)

Enhancing bilateral cooperation was the focus of a Tuesday visit by a US Desert Studies Center (DSC) researchers team to Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).
Hosting the DSC team aims at exchanging expertise on desert studies and research, and having consultations on the KISR's program for supporting decision making in environment crises, KISR said in a statement.
A three-lecture symposium was organized for researches and professor from both.
The first lecture, given by researcher Ali Al-Dosari from KISR Environment and Life Sciences Department, addressed "the phenomenon of dust and dust storms in Kuwait." The other two lectures were given by two DSC professors on dust studies at the American center and modern ways of measuring and exploring dust.
This visit is part of KISR's strategic plan for enhancing cooperation with the world's leading scientific institutions to benefit from their expertise.