Kenya on Friday released volumes of government data as it launched a web portal allowing free information access, a system billed as the first of its kind in sub-Sahara Africa. Population statistics, government expenditure, public health, education, parliamentary proceedings and other public information will be available in a digital format. Although such information is already available in various government ministries, access has so far been difficult. \"Today marks an important step in our aspirations to open up the government and make it more responsive, efficient and accountable,\" said President Mwai Kibaki at the launch of the Open Government Data Portal. Kenya last year adopted a new constitution giving the right to information, but it is yet to enact the freedom of information law regulating access to government information. \"We will enact necessary legislation ... to ensure continued public access to government data and information,\" added Kibaki, but regretted that the slow Internet speeds in the country would hinder data retrieval.