Japan's Bid to Launch World's Smallest Satellite-Carrying Rocket Fails

Japan's space agency on Sunday aborted the launch of the world's smallest rocket capable of putting a satellite into orbit shortly after liftoff following a communication system abnormality. 
Carrying a mini satellite for observation of the Earth's surface, the No. 4 vehicle of the SS-520 series lifted off at 8:33 a.m. from the agency's Uchinoura Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said earlier. But the agency aborted ignition of the second stage three minutes after discovering a glitch in the communication system, Japanese News Agency (Kyodo) reported. 
The rocket, about the size of a utility pole, and its payload fell into the sea off the coast of Uchinoura. JAXA has no further plans to launch a rocket of this size, it said.

Source: QNA