Italy\'s anti-trust authority said Tuesday it was imposing a 900,000-euro ($1.2-million) fine on US tech giant Apple for misleading consumers on assistance services and guarantees for its products. \"Sanctions of a total of 900,000 euros have been imposed on the Apple group after it was found responsible for bad commercial practices that harmed consumers,\" the agency said in a statement. Apple had given \"unclear information on payments for additional assistance offered to consumers\" and the company had not \"fully implemented the two-year guarantee by the producer,\" it added. European antitrust officials earlier this month launched a probe to determine whether Apple and five international publishers struck illegal deals to fix the price of e-books in Europe. Apple has also come under pressure from a bitter global legal battle with South Korean electronics giant Samsung, which accuses the US giant of infringing four of its patents with the iPhone. Apple reported a record net profit of $6.62 billion (5.06 billion euros) in the third quarter of this year.