Deputy Head of Iran's Space Agency (ISA)

Deputy Head of Iran's Space Agency (ISA) Hamid Fazeli said the country is preparing to launch another indigenously-made satellite into space late in January.
The ISA official announced that Sharif Sat' built by Iranian experts at Sharif University of Technology, Fajr (Dawn) Satellite and Tadbir (Wisdom) satellites are ready to be sent into space.
He further noted that 'Sharif Sat' and 'Fajr' satellites are top priorities of ISA which is to launch them by late January.
Fazeli also noted that Nahid (Venus) satellite would be sent into space soon.
Iran had sent small animals int space - a rat, turtles and worms - aboard a capsule carried by its Kavoshgar-3 rocket in 2010.
Iran has taken wide strides in aerospace. The country sent the first biocapsule of living creatures into space in February 2011, using its home-made Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.