Iran successfully test-fires Ghadr missiles

Two Ghadr-H ballistic missiles were fired on Wednesday morning from Eastern Alborz Range at predetermined targets in Makran coastal strip, according to MEHR News Agency.

The final stage of large-scale missile drills, code-named Eqtedar-e Velayat, begun early Tuesday with the aim to display Iran’s ‘deterrence power’ and the country’s “full readiness to confront all kinds of threats against the Islamic Revolution, establishment and Iran's territorial integrity,” according to the IRGC division.

The military drills were held at several stages by firing ballistic missiles from silo-based launchers in different locations across the country.

According to reports, two Ghadr-H ballistic missiles were fired on Wednesday morning from Eastern Alborz Range at predetermined targets in Makran coastal strip. The missiles will travel a distance of 1400 kilometers.

The missiles have a range far longer than this but due to preventing them from entering the sea, they have been fired to travel a 1400km range.

On Tuesday, Shahab ballistic missiles and long-range precision-guided Ghadr missiles have been fired from the general area in Qom Desert.

Shahab-1 and Shahb-2, as well as Ghadr-H and Ghadr-F missiles successfully hit the predetermined targets and destroyed them.