Iran ranks 12th in the world in having articles on nanotechnology published in ISI, said a member of Special Headquarter for Development of Nanotechnology. Addressing the Fifth International Seminar on Modern Medicine Supply Systems which opened on October 4 in Mashhad, Mahmoud Jafari said that Iran presented more than 1,760 articles in 2011. China, the US, Germany and Japan hold higher positions in the field, he noted. Currently, 16 Iranian universities are presenting courses on nanotechnology at bachelor and master\'s degrees. Promoting Iran’s position in the world in the field of nanotechnology and increasing manpower in the sector and supporting dissertations in the field are among the objectives of the headquarters, he said. Referring to the spread of nanotechnology in the medical, water and industries sectors, he said that the world seems to need two million experts in the field with 20,000 for Iran. Iran currently has a share of 1.3 percent in nanomedicine sector which should rise to 7.5 percent by 2015, Jafari said. The Fifth International Seminar on Modern Medicine Supply Systems is sponsored by Mashhad Medical Sciences University.