Secretary of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council Saeed Sarkar downplayed the effects of scientific sanctions against Iran, and said the country ranks 12th in the world in producing nanotechnology.Dr. Sarkar made the remarks in the closing ceremony of the Second Science and Technology Students Olympiad on September 29, 2011. Pointing to Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council\'s activities in the promotion of nanoscience in the country, Sarkar stated in his speech that investment in the teaching of nanotechnology to adolescents plays a key role in the movement of this science in future. He said Iran ranks 12th in the world and first among the Islamic countries in nanotechnology production, and predicted that the development of nanotechnology would have an ascending trend in the country. \"More than 150 active companies are currently working in the field of nanotechnology,\" he continued, \"And some of our nanotechnology products are exported to other countries.\" Dr. Sarkar referred to the sanctions imposed on Iran in scientific fields, including nanotechnology, and announced that sanctions spark new movements towards the production of nanotechnology devices. According to him, identification of potentials in this field is the main reason for the progress in nanotechnology.