A Denver bride said one of her bridesmaids couldn\'t make the ceremony in person, so she participated via Web cam and an iPad held by a groomsman. Jamie Alberico said her best friend and bridesmaid Renee Armstrong was in Virginia Saturday when she got married to Jonathan Alberico, but was able to participate virtually with the help of a white iPad carried down the aisle by a groomsman, KMGH-TV, Denver, reported Tuesday. \"Renee called dibs to be my bridesmaid many many moons ago and unfortunately she couldn\'t physically make it out here but thank you, technology,\" Jamie Alberico said. \"She got to see the whole ceremony, she got to meet everyone and be here for the reception.\" Armstrong said it was a great experience even though she was 1,600 miles away. \"I got all teary-eyed during the ceremony and I couldn\'t have gotten that from pictures,\" Armstrong said.