The herbal plant \'Tulsi\' (Indian Basil) is used as a home remedy for cough, cold and other ailments, but it has a higher healing tendency, the scientists of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) have claimed. According to DRDO scientists, Tulsi (Scientific Name: Ocimum sanctum) can heal the persons suffering from harmful radiations. In this regard, they have conducted several researches and developed a herbal medicine that can be used for treating people exposed to radiations. The initial tests have shown some positive results. The scientists of DRDO\'s Institute of Nuclear Medicines and Allied Sciences with the researchers of Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, have successfully tested tulsi extracts on mice for its anti-radiation and anti-cancer properties. \'Tulsi-based medicine is already in second phase of clinical trials. We need to conduct a few more tests and take up phase II trials before it is released for general use,\' newstrack website reported quoting DRDO\'s chief controller Research and Development (R&D) W Selvamurthy while speaking at the 99th edition of the Indian Science Congress held in Bhubaneshwar Odhisa on Sunday. “Animal trials have also been conducted and their results were quite encouraging,\' he added. Highlighting the characteristics of \'Tulsi\' as herbal medicines, DRDO scientists said tulsi has anti-oxidant properties and can repair cells damaged by exposure to radiation. \'The medicines used for treating radiation-related ailments are very toxic in nature. These herbal medicines would change the way radiation treatment takes place as they would be quite safe,\' scientists stressed. Scientists have also developed several other herbal medicines, some especially for the Indian Army. \'The Queen of Herbs\' - is the most sacred herb of India. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), also known as Holy Basil, is a different plant from the pesto variety of Basil (Ocimum basilicum). Tulsi has been revered in India for over five thousand years, as a healing balm for body, mind and spirit, and is known to bestow an amazing number of health benefits. Organic India is pleased to offer Organic Tulsi, for the first time, as a stress-relieving, energizing and delicious tea. Tulsi is found all over the country. It is an annual plant, 30-90 cm high, much branched; stem and branches usually purplish, sub- quadrangular; 2.5-5 by 1.6-3.2cm. eliiptic oblong obtuse, pubescent on both sides and minutely gland- dotted. It is a branched, fragrant and erect herb plant. The Tulsi flowers are small, reddish-purple in color, present in small compact clusters on cylindrical spikes. The fruits are small and the seeds are reddish-yellow in color. The Tulsi plant with light green leaves is called Rama Tulsi and the plant variety with dark red leaves is called Krishna or Shyama /Manjari Tulsi. A variety of white Tulsi is also found.