capable Dhanush

India successfully testfired its home-made, nuclear-capable Dhanush ballistic missile from a naval ship off the coast of the eastern state of Odisha late Friday night, sources said Saturday.
"The surface-to-surface as well as ship-to-ship missile was testfired from a naval vessel in the Bay of Bengal and it hit the designated target with high precision. The missile has been developed by state-owned Defense Research and Development Organization," the sources said.
The testfiring of the missile came hours after India successfully testfired Prithvi-II surface-to-surface missile, which has a strike range of 350 km, from a military base at Chandipur in the state.
Dhanush has already been inducted into the armed services and is capable of carrying a nuclear payload of up to 1,000 kg TNT and can hit both land and sea-based targets.