Iran\'s Envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asqar Soltaniyeh said the recent report released by the UN nuclear watchdog agency shows that the agency has no more questions about Iran\'s newly constructed Fordo uranium enrichment facility.Soltaniyeh said Iran has informed the IAEA about the specifications of the centrifuges, which will be installed at the facility, and the agency has confirmed Iran\'s reports. \"Iran has provided the IAEA with the required information on the centrifuges which are to be installed in Fordo nuclear site and the agency confirmed our remarks after receiving the information,\" he said. The envoy said IAEA inspectors have accepted that there has remained no specific question about Fordo nuclear facility, and added, \"We have faced no problem with the IAEA inspectors so far. Visits are underway regularly and under the clarified framework. Of Course, the IAEA is cooperating with us as well.\" Soltaniyeh further dismissed the claims that Iran is stalling for time to push ahead with its nuclear drive and said Iran will not suspend it nuclear activities. \"It has always been proved that all claims and smear campaigns run by the US on Iran\'s military sites were unfounded. We believe that other accusations and claims follow the same end,\" Soltaniyeh said. Asked about Iran\'s expected framework for removing the IAEA\'s ambiguities over Tehran\'s nuclear activities, the envoy said Iran is still ready to answer IAEA\'s questions within the framework of the modality plan signed by Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog in 2007 in order to refute the claims. \"We are ready to define another modality providing that the IAEA and the Director General respect the agreements based on the 2007 modality and move under the defined framework and pay heed to Iran\'s security considerations\" Soltaniyeh stated.