Iranian researchers from Lorestan University succeeded in designing a new type of drug delivery system for anti-cancer drugs by using linear dendritic polymers and iron nanoparticles. Hybrid nanocomposites have been used in this drug delivery system. Carbon nanotubes have also been used in the system to make possible the quick passage through cellular walls. In this research, a drug delivery system was developed by using carbon nanotubes, linear dendritic polymer, iron nanoparticles, and doxorubicin anti-cancer drug. The hybrid system has appropriate biocompatibility and solubility due to the presence of the linear dendritic polymer in physiologic environment, is able to kill cancerous cells due to the presence of doxorubicin anti-cancer drug, is able to quickly pass through the cell walls due to the presence of carbon nanotubes, and can be monitored and directed towards the cancerous tissue due to the presence of iron nanoparticles. According to Dr. Mohsen Adeli, member of the Scientific Board of School of Chemistry of Lorestan University, the research was carried out aiming to create an anti-cancer drug delivery system with high solubility and biocompatibility, which can be directed towards the cancerous tissue, to pass through the cellular membrane and to carry great number of anti-cancer drugs. “Iron nanoparticles were firstly placed on the surface of carbon nanotubes. Then, carbon nanotubes containing iron nanoparticles reacted with the linear dendritic polymer, and became soluble in water. Then doxorubicin drug was loaded on the system. Finally, the system ability to remove cancerous cells and also its ability to be directed towards cancerous tumors were investigated,” he added. Among the significant characteristic of the research, mention can be made of hybridization of a series of nanomaterials in a system to use all their properties in the elimination of cancerous cells. Results of the research have been published in August 2013 in Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, vol. 10, issue 4, pp. 101-108.