Google is still deliberating over which executive to send to a US Senate panel probing its market power, Chairman Eric Schmidt said. \"We have not made a decision yet,\" Schmidt said on Thurday at a media-industry conference in Sun Valley, Idaho. \"It\'s a legal question of who is best to represent the company. We\'ll make a decision soon.\" The antitrust subcommittee has asked Google to provide a top executive who could deliver testimony, and has threatened to issue subpoenas to compel Schmidt or Chief Executive Officer Larry Page to attend. The Senate probe reflects a groundswell of scrutiny of Google\'s competitive position. The US Federal Trade Commission is probing the business, as is the European Union. Separately, the antitrust division of the Department of Justice is reviewing Google\'s $400 million (Dh 1.469 billion) purchase of the internet-advertising company Admeld Inc. Schmidt said he doesn\'t know how long the Justice Department\'s review of its Admeld acquisition could take.