Google has been handed a list of suggestions for improving privacy on its services by the UK\'s Information Commissioner.Among its findings, the ICO recommended expanding a programme of educational videos for users.Google had promised reforms last year after it emerged that Street View cars had collected sensitive wi-fi data.While the latest audit was broadly positive, it warned that a similar breach could happen again.The search firm was praised for improving staff training and introducing a Privacy Design Document (PDD) which lays out privacy guidelines and safeguards for engineers working on new products.However, the report also said that PDD needed to be more widely rolled-out across the company.The ICO welcomed the introduction of Privacy Stories, a series of text and video tutorials, aimed at users, outlining why the search giant collects user data in relation to different products, such as GMail and Google+.Privacy Stories already covers 28 different products, but the ICO\'s report called for it to be extended to all of Google\'s offerings.The company welcomed the Information Commissioner\'s findings.In a blog post, Alma Whitten, Google\'s director of privacy, product and engineering, wrote: \"We know that there is no perfect solution, so we will continue to improve our current processes and develop new ones so that privacy awareness grows and evolves alongside Google. \" From / BBC