Mike Sutcliff, group chief executive, Accenture Digital, participated in the keynote discussion live, on stage, while Paul Daugherty, chief technology officer, Accenture, beamed in via hologram, appearing to be there live and “in the flesh,” when actually sitting in his home office in New York.

Two senior leaders from Accenture kicked off the 36th annual GITEX Technology Week with a hologram keynote session, described as a first-of-its-kind at GITEX at Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC) on Sunday.
Mike Sutcliff, group chief executive, Accenture Digital, participated in the keynote discussion live, on stage, while Paul Daugherty, chief technology officer, Accenture, beamed in via hologram, appearing to be there live and “in the flesh,” when actually sitting in his home office in New York.
It was termed as a unique and powerful demonstration of how technology advances are helping to reimagine the way to work and live in a digital age.
The keynote session focused on how digital can transform every aspect of one’s life sooner than one expects, while at the same time reinforcing the most essential element of this digital revolution — people.
Unlike the traditional video teleconference that really is a remote environment, lacking human connection, Accenture showcases how innovative technologies like the hologram offer a more personal experience that reaffirms the intangible, inherent value of face-to-face relationships.
Digital is meant to reinforce the importance of building relationships and in person communication. It should connect more people to one another, more companies to more customers and enrich our interactions, not dilute them.

Source: Arab News