Washington - UPI
The late Steve Jobs, co-founder of the U.S. computer giant Apple, had faults in his personal lifebut was a business visionary, associates told the FBI. The 191 pages of information (http://vault.fbi.gov/steve-jobs) the FBI collected on Jobs was made public Thursday. \"In 1991, Jobs was considered for an appointed position on the U.S. President\'s Export Council,\" the FBI said on its Web site. \"This release consists of the FBI\'s 1991 background investigation of Jobs for that position and a 1985 investigation of a bomb threat against Apple. Jobs died in October after a bout with pancreatic cancer. The redacted material indicated former co-workers spoke favorably about Jobs\' character, reputation, associates and loyalty, and recommended him for the government position, which the FBI said was a post on the Export Council. However, other former associates and co-workers spoke of Jobs\' experimentation with drugs, such as marijuana, LSD and hashish. One interviewee said during the late 1960s and early 1970s, \"Mr. Jobs may have experimented with illegal drugs, having come from that generation,\" but couldn\'t provide further details, the document indicated. Several people characterized Jobs as \"a deceptive individual who is not completely forthright and honest,\" saying that Jobs \"will twist the truth and distort reality in order to achieve his goals.\" Others reported that Jobs fathered a child out of wedlock and at first did not pay child support but years later was more supportive of the mother and child. Several people commented on Jobs\' drive, willfulness and stubbornness, saying they believe that is why he was successful. Some said he cared about employees and was \"sympathetic to the problems of others.\" One person interviewed, who called Jobs \"callous\" and \"shallow\" in personal relationships while \"visionary\" and \"charismatic\" in business, said she thought he is an extremely bright and competent person who would serve well in a position of trust and confidence by his sense of vision … along with his indefatigable energy,\" the file read. Despite their misgivings, all those interviewed by the FBI said they would \"highly recommend the appointee for a position of trust and confidence with the United States government.\" The file noted Jobs graduated from high school with a 2.65 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.